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Simulation of Storyboards

This chapter explains how a storyboard can be simulated using the modelling tool functionality. Storyboards cannot only contain the different scenes and their logical sequence, but also control elements like start, stop and decisions. These can be used to simulate the storyboard.


  • a Scene2Model Library is loaded

The picture below shows an example storyboard, containing one start, one end and one decision: picture of a storyboard for simulation


(We want to create a storyboard with three scenes and one decision)

  • Create the objects and connect them with Subsequent relation, so that the model looks like the picture above.
  • Add simulation data to the scene element
    • Open the notebook (double-click the scene element)
    • Change to the Quantification tab
    • Enter time
    • Enter Cost
    • repeat for all scenes
  • Add transition probabilities to the decision, providing information how probable it is that the decision continues this path
    • Open the notebook of the relation outgoing of the decision
    • Change to the Simulation settings tab
    • Add a comma value for the probability that this path is chosen after the decision, e.g., 0.7 or 0.4
      • Add it a value to Simulation to be used in the Path analysis
      • Add it a value to Analytical evaluation to be used in the Analytical evaluation
    • Repeat for each outgoing relation
    • Attention: The probabilities added to all the outgoing relations of one decision must be 1 in sum. (e.g., one relation has 0.3 and the other 0.7)

Procedure for Path Analysis:

  • Open Simulation component
  • Click Path analysis
  • Choose the storyboard you want to simulate
  • Click Ok
  • The results of the Path analysis are shown

Procedure for Analytical Evaluation

  • Open Analysis component
  • Click Analytical Evaluation
  • Choose the storyboard you want to simulate
  • Click Ok
  • The results of the Analytical Evaluation are shown