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Create your Domain-Specific Library

Here we will discuss how you can create your own Domain-Specific Library (called library in this section) to be used with Scene2Model. Internally a library is saved in folder on the local file system, which must be chosen if a new library is created.

Create a Domain-Specific Library

To create a new library, you have to execute the following steps:

  1. Select Library Management -> Create new a new library

    • select where the library should be saved on your local file system

    gif showing where one must click for the step described above

  2. Initialize your classes by clicking on Initialize list

    • read the info box and confirm if you want to delete all classes
    • then add the list of classes that should be added to your library (each class in one line)
    • (a initial list of classes is provided, which can be deleted if you do not need them)

    gif showing how a list of classes can be initialized

  3. Define the types and visualisation of the design elements:

    • Check the class for which types should be defined
    • Click Modify elements
    • Click Add element
    • Search for the picture that should be used for the visualisation and confirm (as name for the type the name of the picture until the first full stop is taken)
    • Confirm with Close
    • Repeat for each class

    gif showing how a type can be added to a class(the gif shows pictures created by SAP ScenesTM or from

  4. Save the library

    • You have to decided if the changes to the library should be loaded by choosing one of the two buttons:
      • Load the library afterwards by click on Close and load library
      • Otherwise click Close without loading

    gif showing how the library can be saved and loaded

Hint: You can adapt the available attributes of a class and further influence the graphical representation. More information can be found on the Update Your Library page.

Create a Domain-Specific Library with AI Support

Create a new library but use a ChatGPD coupling to suggest you classes.

  1. Select Library Management -> Create new a new library

    • select where the library should be saved on your local file system

    gif showing where one must click for the step described above

  2. Get a AI generated suggestion of classes by clicking on Initialize list using ChatGPT

    • read the info box and confirm if you want to delete all classes
    • provide a text defining the domain, for which classes should be suggested
    • Confirm with Ok

    gif showing how a class list can be created with the help of ChatGPT

  3. Define the types and visualisation of the design elements:

    • Check the class for which types should be defined
    • Click Modify elements
    • Click Add element
    • Search for the picture that should be used for the visualisation and confirm (as name for the type the name of the picture until the first full stop is taken)
    • Confirm with Close
    • Repeat for each class

    gif showing how a type can be added to a class(the gif shows pictures created by SAP ScenesTM or from

  4. Save the library

    • You have to decided if the changes to the library should be loaded by choosing one of the two buttons:
      • Load the library afterwards by click on Close and load library
      • Otherwise click Close without loading

    gif showing how the library can be saved and loaded

Hint: You can adapt the available attributes of a class and further influence the graphical representation. More information can be found on the Update Your Library page.