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Create a Design Thinking Project

This chapter introduces how you can create a design thinking project, within the Scene2Model modelling tool. A design thinking project is a collection of models (storyboards, scenes, ...) which belong together. For example, the models that are created in one workshop to tackle one specific problem.


  • A Domain-Specific Library must be loaded in the tool, otherwise this functionality is blocked. See Domain-Specific Library for more information.

Create a Design Thinking Project Using the Wizard

This section shows how a new Design Thinking Project can be created using the wizard.

  1. Click the Wizard symbol

  2. Click Create a new project

  3. Enter a name for your project

  4. Confirm by clicking on Ok

  5. A window with a storyboard showing one Storyboard element should be shown

    gif showing how a new design thinking project can be added using the Scene2Model wizard

Create Scenes within your Project

This section shows how you can create new scene models within your project, based on its storyboard. Here a top-down approach is chosen, where all the needed scenes are created in the storyboard overview and then the Scene2Model tool is used to create the individual scenes, which can be populated with the figures from the Domain-Specific library.

With the here introduced functionality the needed scenes can be also updated later on.


  • A project is currently loaded
  • A storyboard model is shown


  1. Add the needed scenes

    • Click on the Scene (Storyboard) symbol in the modelling bar
    • Click on the drawing area to create the needed scenes
    • Rename scenes (the scenes should not keep the randomly created name)
    • Repeat till all scenes are created

    gif showing how scene objects can be created and renamed in a story board

  2. Add relation between the scenes

    • Click on the Subsequent relation in the modelling bar
    • Click on the source object
    • Click on the target object
    • Repeat for all relations

    gif showing how relations between scene objects can be crated

  3. Create scenes from storyboard
    (Hint: This functionality can also be used to update the available scenes, if the storyboard is adapted later on)

    • Expand the Digital Design Thinking Tools
    • Click on Create scenes from storyboard (blue button with +)
    • Confirm the information window

    gif showing how blank scenes can be created out of the currently opened storyboard

  4. Update scene representation in the storyboard

    • Expand the Digital Design Thinking Tools
    • Click on Update scenes preview

    gif showing how the scene preview in the storyboard can be updated

  5. Open the created scene models

    • You can now click on the name of the scene object under to jump to the model
    • If you want to go back to the storyboard model, you can use the Previous model window to open the previous model

    gif showing how one can jump between scenes and storyboards

  6. Optional: If the above mentioned way to navigate the scenes and storyboards, you can use the expert mode

    • Click on the Scene2Model Wizard
    • Choose Switch to expert interaction mode
    • The Explorer on the left side is opened
    • Double-click your storyboard model

    gif showing how the storyboard can be opened with the expert mode

  7. Optional: Switch back to Default interaction mode

    • Click on the Scene2Model Wizard
    • Choose Switch to default interaction mode

    gif showing how the default mode can be opened again